Local Leaders United

Together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change – across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.

  • Join Leaders: Connect with leaders from our community and the world
  • Exchange Ideas: Expand your network and your worldview
  • Take Action: Help create lasting change in our community and other communities around the world

News From Barnesville Rotary

Stories about the recent activities of our club. Learn more »

Since 1985, Rotary has invested hundreds of millions of dollars in the effort to rid the world of the polio virus.

Wild Polio Cases


The Barnesville Club Calendar

What’s happening. See Full Calendar

Club Toolkit

A comprehensive source for Club officers, district leaders and everyday Rotarians. Learn more »


#4111 chartered February 3, 1939.
Active Membership: 45


Tuesdays, 12:00 pm
Barnesville Women's Clubhouse
Barnesville, GA 30204

Leadership Team


Jonathan Swatts
Vice President
Belinda Penamon
April Mason
April Mason
Rev. Ann Mann
Public Image Chair
Bianca Romero

Club Staff

Executive Secretary/Director
Kelly Hughes


District Governor
Gordon Owens
Assistant Governor
Janice Wallace
GRSP Trustee
Bill Dallas, III
District Governor Elect
Steve Ivory
District Governor Nominee
Cynthia Dorsey Edwards
District Learning Facilitator
Mary Ligon
District Foundation Chair
Bob Hagan
District Membership Chair
Dave Schwickerath
District Public Image Chair
Mandy Timmons
District Treasurer
David O'Rear

Rotary International

Rotary President
Stephanie A. Urchick
Rotary Foundation Trustee Chair
Mark Daniel Maloney
General Secretary
John Hewko